How to maintain extruded aluminum profiles during use?
April 18, 2024
Extruded Aluminum Profiles are not difficult to understand literally. They are an indispensable part of use in the industrial field. Knowing the correct methods to help during the daily maintenance stage is an important means to ensure the improvement of use quality. Gangwang is a manufacturer in the Yangtze River Delta region specializing in extruded
Aluminum Profiles. It has a full set of deep processing lines to support diversified processing services for aluminum products.
First, use a soft-bristled brush to test
If you encounter some impurities or dust-type stains on the surface during the use of extruded aluminum profiles, it is best to use a soft-bristled brush to brush the surface. The reason is that traditional steel wire balls are relatively hard in terms of hardness and are easily sharpened. In order to reduce the damage caused by many scratches on the surface, use towels or soft objects to help yourself, which has greatly improved in terms of reducing the chance of scratches and protecting aluminum profiles.
Second, warm water wiping method
Warm water not only has a stronger ability to remove contamination, but also reduces the number of frictions for industrial aluminum profiles, which is an important step in protecting materials from damage. It is also the best technique in the process of removing stains on it, and it is loved and recognized by everyone. Warm water has a lower temperature than hot water. It also avoids scalding the outer protective layer and affects the quality and effect of the material.
The use and maintenance of extruded aluminum profiles is worthy of attention, and it is ideal to apply these tips during the future selection period.